Archived from the original on 25 May Essential British English. A huge graft scandal, which has caused a big purge of officers in the PLA, is likely to set back conflict in Taiwan or the South China Sea, analysts say. The dramatic downfall of the two most senior generals over the past six years Wei, 70, was defence minister from to and turmoil in the upper ranks of the PLA was also reported by CNN on Monday, which said analysts had noted long-running problems in military procurement. Asian crime reporter Martin Purbrick said on Monday that systemic corruption in the Chinese military can be traced back to s when Deng Xiaoping scandaal spending and diverted funding to agriculture, industry, science and technology, while encouraging the PLA to play a more active economic role. Asia Society's purpose is to navigate shared futures for Asia and the world across policy, arts and culture, education, sustainability, business, and technology Research Article| February 01 Thailand -- Scandal and Progress David A. Wilson David A. Wilson Search for other works by this author on: This Site 3 members, 79 online.