Good morning in hausa

Close suggestions Search Search. good morning sms. Ka gane? One language is never enough Yare daya bazai isa ba My hovercraft is full of eels Jirgina a cike yake da and like. asuba, sáafée, sāfē are the top translations of "morning" into Hausa. Sample translated sentence: He starts out early in the morning and sees little. the part of the day after midnight moring before midday. Ina kwana = Good morning. Ina wuni = Good afternoon/ Evening. Ya kake? = How are you? Ya iyali? = How is family? Ya jin dadi? = How is enjoyment? › lctlresources › chapter › hausa-greetings Good morning Ina kuana Literally “how did you sleep?” Good afternoon Ina Ooni. Good evening Ina hini. Hello Sannu. How are you? Ki na lahia If speaking to a GOOD MORNING = INAKWANA, INAKWANAN KU, TO A GROUP OF PEOPLE. INAWUNI, GOOD AFTERNOON, AND EVENING. SANNU DA AIKI = FOR GREETING SOMEONE AT WORK. WELCOME =

thank you my dear cousin. Different Types Of Greetings in Hausa Different Types Of Greetings in Hausa English good morning my dear brother. No more app, browser tab switching, or copy-pasting. Summary Countries Alphabets Greetings Dialects How Many People Speak History Code All.

Hausa Greetings

Translate "good morning" from English to Hausa with MateUseful phrases in HausaTranslate "good morning" from English to Hausa with MateIna kwana = Good morning. Ina wuni = Good afternoon/ Evening. Ya kake? = How are you? Ya iyali? = How is family? Ya jin dadi? = How is enjoyment? › lctlresources › chapter › hausa-greetings Good morning Ina kuana Literally “how did you sleep?” Good afternoon Ina Ooni. Good evening Ina hini. Hello Sannu. How are you? Ki na lahia If speaking to aUseful phrases in HausaA collection of useful phrases in Hausa, a Chadic language spoken mainly in Nigeria and Niger. See these phrases in Goo combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.Duration Ina kwana = Good morning. Ina wuni = Good afternoon/ Evening. Ya kake? = How are you? Ya iyali? = How is family? Ya jin dadi? = How is enjoyment? › lctlresources › chapter › hausa-greetings

en Change Language. Hausa Greetings | Hello in Hausa Home Alphabets Constructed scripts Languages Phrases Numbers Multilingual Pages Search News About Contact. Ina Kwana? That means 'Good Morning' in Hausa. English good morning my love, how was your night, hope you're good. Still have questions? Hausa "yã ƙaramin ɗãna!

Ina kwana = Good morning. Ina wuni = Good afternoon/ Evening. Ya kake? = How are you? Ya iyali? = How is family? Ya jin dadi? = How is enjoyment? › lctlresources › chapter › hausa-greetings Good morning Ina kuana Literally “how did you sleep?” Good afternoon Ina Ooni. Good evening Ina hini. Hello Sannu. How are you? Ki na lahia If speaking to a sai anjuma. good Good good at good day good luck good morning good night goodness goose gourd govern government governor gown grace period. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.

English good morning how was your night.
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